The domino effect. You’re familiar with it, right? Set up a domino on its side, then another, and continue on until you have a long line of standing dominos. All it takes is a single tip of one domino to set the others in motion, whether you’re ready for it or not.

This year, we’re wrapping up 2022 at MAP with The Domino Fund, in hopes to create a wave of positive momentum for our moms through single donations.


What is the Domino Fund?

This year, at MAP, we’re wrapping up the year with The Domino Fund, in hopes to create a wave of positive momentum for our moms through single donations.

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Be a strong mom. Raise strong kids.

We have seen mothers in our program go from significant mental health diagnoses to none. These moms now have an increase in parenting competency and have had their family stability increase significantly.